Calculation and Origin of the Cross Currency EURGBP (Euro vs. British Pound) Value, Cross Currency: One currency combined with another currency.
As illustrated in the following example: Calculation and Origin of the Cross Currency EURGBP Value
EURUSD = 1.18152 GBPUSD = 1.30600 What is EURUSD equivalent to? EURUSD (1.18152) ÷ GBPUSD (1.30600) = EURUSD (0.90468)
This is the algorithm for two currencies, and if it's a cross currency, finding a good opportunity, EURUSD is also a good trading target.
In the indicator, the "spread" in the front is the division of two currency pairs, and in the back is the multiplication result. 1.14421 / 1.24383 = 0.91990 1.14421 * 1.24383 = 1.42320